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Aurélie St-Pierre, étudiante en Techniques juridiques

Aurélie St-Pierre, paralegal student


Born in Gatineau and originally from Quebec’s Côte-Nord region, I am currently completing my studies in the Paralegal Program at Cégep de l’Outaouais, with the aim of graduating in May 2025. I plan to continue my legal studies to become a lawyer, while working part-time as a paralegal.

Having been part of a competitive cheerleading team for almost 10 years, I love  challenges and have always wanted to work in a dynamic and stimulating field. My program of study and my competitive side quickly confirmed that this was the field for me.

During my academic career, I participated in the Programme d’aide en français écrit, which enabled me to offer tutoring sessions to Cégep students experiencing academic difficulties. Furthermore, I’m currently involved in the Mentoring Program, which welcomes new admissions to the Paralegal program. Throughout their first year, I will be helping them integrate, develop study strategies and improve their critical thinking skills.

Social involvement

I am also involved in the community. In recent years, I have accumulated over 100 hours of volunteer work with various organizations such as Aylmer Food Centre, Moisson Outaouais, SPCA de l’Outaouais and many others.

Leisure activities

In my spare time, I enjoy life’s little pleasures. I love immersing myself in a good novel or cooking new gourmet dishes.