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Category of law


Real Estate Law


Real Estate Law

This type of law includes everything that relates to buildings. Boundaries, encroachment, injunction, passage of title, acquisitive prescription, promise to purchase, easement, neighbourhood annoyances, are all situations included in real estate law. Moreover, construction law and real estate law have certain points in common.

With which type of case can you consult us?

  • Your neighbour has built part of his garage on your property;
  • You have received a formal notice in boundary marking from your neighbor in order to determine where the dividing line between your two properties is located, are you obliged to do it;
  • Following the signing of a promise to purchase for an immovable, the seller refuses to sell and pass title, can we force him;
  • Your neighbor alleges that he owns part of your land, since he has occupied and maintained it for more than 10 years, is he right;
  • Your tenant refuses to pay rent and has damaged the apartment;
  • Your land is landlocked, it is not contiguous to a public road, can you force your neighbors to give you a right of way;
  • A contractor is cutting trees on your woodlot, is an injunction the right way to get him to stop his illegal operations;

New posts in Real Estate Law

Undivided co-ownership

Category: Business Law, Civil Law, Real Estate Law

When people say they are co-owners of a property, without knowing it, they are referring to undivided co-ownership, as opposed to divided co-ownership. In practice, being in an undivided co-ownership almost always presupposes a close relationship between the co-owners. These…

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Key Neighbourhood Issues

Category: Real Estate Law

Two-thirds of Canadians own a building, whether it is a house, a condo, a chalet, a farm, etc. Real estate is an area where it is relatively safe to invest, because of its stability and tangibility, as opposed to the…

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